The Rotary Club of Ancaster attend our District's Annual Conference in Amherst, NY
A number of members from the club, including our Youth Exchange Student travelled down on Saturday, April 27th, 2024.
A number of us travelled down to our District Conference ion Amherst NY on Saturday April 27th.
We met early Saturday, drove down, to meet with our fellow Rotarians from across our district, District 7090
The morning opened with wonderful opening comments from our conference chair Lisa Bishop, IPDG, DG Scott Marcin, DGE David Alexander, as well as a parade of flag from our Youth Exchange students from across the district and a tribute to those Rotarians lost over the past year.
We were honoured to have past Rotary International VP Johrita Solari bring us opening remarks from RI President Gordon McInally, as well as some stories from her own experiences with Rotary.
Our main speaker for the morning was Barbara Evoy, to update us and talk to us about the Human trafficking challenges across all of our towns and cities. We will learn more about this later in the year, for now please click this link for more information about RAGAS Canada. https://rotary7080.org/page/ragas-canada
Break out session for the afternoon included Interact Clubs, Mental Health workshops, CPR training, Rotary Foundation and Yoga!
#serviceaboveself #Rotary